The first chapter for Harley on the Rocks is available to read at my promo blog – D. Renee Bagby Presents First Chapters
Also, my hubby helped me name the female lead of my latest novella. Some might think, “Just pick a name,” but it’s not that simple. I have to make sure not to repeat a name I’m already using (I have several books started). I also have to choose a name that sounds/feels right and doesn’t annoy me.
You might be wondering how I could write the book without having the main character named. Simple. I use a place holder, usually “AAA”. I do that for all the characters without names, just working my way down the alphabet. Usually heroines are AAA and heroes are BBB. Once I come up with a name, I do a “Replace All” with match case. Problem solved.
It’s a trick another author (who I can’t remember now) told me. I no longer get hung up trying to name a character, thus keeping me from actually writing the book. Very handy.