Re-released as Her Fantasy Reality
As of 19 January 2016, Fantasy vs Reality, the Contemporary Public Sex Erotica short featuring Stacy and Nick, is no longer available for purchase in ebook through Changeling Press. All rights have reverted back to the author (me).
I do, at this time, have plans to re-release this title (more than likely under the same name though a different cover) slightly extended in the near future. Please look for the announcement of that soon.
~ For Reference Purposes ~

Fantasy vs Reality
When the line between fantasy and reality is erased, the real fun begins.
Stacy hates benefit dinners — fake smiles and empty conversation with people she can barely tolerate. Good thing she has her imagination to keep her occupied with sexual fantasies involving the other guests. As the night wears on her imaginings become more vivid and it gets harder to tell where fantasy ends and reality begins.
Book Info
Reversion Date: 19 January 2016
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary Public Sex Erotica, Multiple Partners
Ebook ISBN: 0617201982
Ebook ASIN: B00C50VGAQ
Ebook Price: $2.49/US
Ebook Release: 18 January 2013
Length: Novella (7708 words/27 pages)
Cover Art: Marteeka Karland
“I love Zenobia Renquist I really do and FANTASY VS REALITY is a good example why… No topic is off limits including female/female interaction (this was hot) among them. This is a Razor’s Edge which means it is short but it is not short on heat and fun.”
~ Barb, Bad Barb’s Place
A man bumped Stacy as he turned from the buffet table. Sauce from the small plate he carried dripped onto the swell of one of Stacy’s breasts. She made a perturbed noise and backed up a step, bumping a second person and not caring.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I should have looked before I turned,” the man said. “At least it missed the dress, right?” He gave a strained chuckle and then cleared his throat. “Here. Let me uh… get… uh… Excuse me.” He leaned over and put his plate down before reaching past Stacy.
She thought he would grab a napkin so she could get the sauce before it dripped between her breasts. A surprised squeak escaped her mouth when he slipped an arm around her waist and held her close as he ducked his head. His hot mouth landed on her skin, followed by his tongue. He licked her skin, removing the sauce and sending Stacy’s libido into overdrive.
She leaned back with her hands on his shoulders prepared to push him away. Her fingers bunched into the shoulders of his suit, pulling him closer as he trailed his mouth to the edge of her dress.
He said in a husky voice, feathering his breath across her skin, “I think I got it all, but I better check to be sure. You don’t want to be sticky.”
“No, I don’t.”
His tongue returned, delving between her breasts, as he scooped one hand into her dress and edged it down. Her breasts bounced when the dress gave way and exposed her nipples to the cool air. They hardened, begging for attention as the man worked his mouth down between her breasts and then to the side. When he took one nipple into his mouth, Stacy let out in a soft moan.
He circled his tongue around the hard nub and then flicked it before sucking at it. Stacy arched into his mouth with her leg riding his hip. A hard bulge in his pants pressed against her clit, exciting her more. Shifting her hips in a slight side-to-side motion, she rubbed her pussy against him.
The hand he had around her waist moved lower, slipping into the opening of her dress so he cupped her ass. Oh, yes. She was very happy she’d bought this dress. Easy access made everything better faster.
The man released her nipple with a soft pop and met her gaze. “Maybe you should do it instead.”
Stacy blinked a few times and reality reasserted itself. The man stood with a napkin held out to her and a sheepish expression that made him appear younger than he probably was. She snatched the napkin from him and dabbed at the sauce, getting to it right before it started dripping between her breasts.
“Sorry again.” He retrieved his plate and walked away.