Review: Getting It Right by Zenobia Renquist

Getting It Right by Zenobia Renquist (150x225)Manic Readers gives Getting It Right 4 Stars!!

“An enjoyable tale… Ms. Renquist gave us fully developed characters along with a well thought out plot… The story was intensely sexual but the sex did not feel extraneous. It blended within the storyline and helped show the progression of both Janine and Haruto.”

Read the full review at Manic Readers.

Check out the first chapter online.

Getting It Right

He got grabby but it’ll take more than that to keep her.

Haruto’s first attempt to secure a mate failed, leaving him on the brink of death. And then he met Janine. Claiming her saves his life but Haruto and Janine both come to realize the bond they share is more than a simple cure. Learning to be a couple is the only option because the magic won’t let them live without each other.

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Changeling Press

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