Reverted ~ Wine Service

Re-Released as VIP Room Service

As of 28 February 2015, Wine Service (Professional Courtesy 1) — Contemporary BDSM Erotica — is no longer available for purchase through Musa Publishing. The rights have reverted back to the author (me).

~ For Reference Purposes ~

Wine Service (Professional Courtesy 1) cover

Wine Service
[ Professional Courtesy 1 ]

She offers satisfaction above and beyond what is requested.

 Lexie’s job as a housekeeper at a five-star hotel doesn’t normally include the unique and risqué form of room service that important hotel guest Mr. Malena has requested, nor the generous tip he’s offered. Lexie can’t resist, and what should have been a one-time thing turns into an introduction into the sensual world of customer satisfaction. She finds much enjoyment in her “work,” but is it worth risking her job?

Book Info

Reversion Date: 28 February 2015

Publisher: Musa Publishing (closed)
Genre: Contemporary BDSM Hotel Erotica, MFM
Ebook ISBN: 9781619376496
Ebook Price: $3.99/US
Ebook Release: 29 August 2014
Length: Novella (35,500 words/97 pages)
Cover Art: Kelly Shorten

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5 Stars!
“This reader loved that there were issues surrounding the two characters getting together which made it more intense when they finally did… Cream is definitely a book that this reader would recommend.”
~ Fuchsia, LASR

5 Cups!
“I loved this story. Ms. Renquist has drawn some wonderfully talented, lovable characters… I hope to see Ms. Renqusit take this world of vampires and grow it into the addictive series it promises to be.”
~ Hollie, Coffee Time Romance

4.5 Stars!
“Ms. Renquist keeps the action flowing and tosses in some hot sexual attraction to keep the pot bubbling. The reader will enjoy the interaction between Jeliyah and Teaghan as they navigate between sexy groupies, hidden dangers and explosive chemistry while searching for whoever wants to see them dead.”
~ Candy,

4 Stars!
“I enjoyed the banter between Jeliyah and Teaghan. The world they live in was very interesting… I recommend this to those who like fantasy/paranormal romance.”
~ Beth Hardy, Nightowl Reviews


“So what else is there? Sex, right?”

“If you want, but not what I had in mind right this instance.” He chuckled. “I’m not as spry as I used to be. I need a little more time to regain my stamina.”

“You look plenty spry to me.” She eyed his semi-erect dick. It hadn’t gone limp after he came. A few well-placed licks would probably have it hard again in an instant.

“Bless you, dear girl. You are good for my ego.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back. “Now then. After riding the bottle comes drinking the wine.”

“I’m on the clock.”

“Not you. Me. And a little shouldn’t hurt your performance.” He gazed into her eyes. “Unless you’re a lightweight.”

“No, but I don’t want someone to smell alcohol on my breath either.”

“True. True. But you won’t be drinking.”

“So why do you need me?”

He kissed her hand again and ran his tongue up to her wrist. “You’re my glass.”

Lexie must be getting used to him. She didn’t flinch or pull away or become indignant. She was naked, for the second time, and this was the most Mr. Malena had touched her. Though the idea of being his glass meant that would change. “How do you mean?”

“I plan to pour wine over this”—he flicked a finger from his free hand against her right nipple, grinning at her soft coo—“hard bud and then lick it up.”

Lexie swallowed and rubbed her thighs together as her clit twitched. “And again for this one.” He flicked her left nipple.

“S-Sounds fun.”

“Indeed it is. Every part of your body the wine touches, I will follow with my tongue. I plan to bathe you in it.” 


ARe Bestseller 18 Nov 2014 image
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