Reverted ~ Undercurrent (Wet)

As of 31 May 2023, Undercurrent (Wet) — Paranormal BWAM Romance, MF — is no longer available for purchase through Changeling Press. The rights have reverted back to the author (me).

The title will receive a new cover and title and be re-released in the coming months.

~ For Reference Purposes ~

Cover - Undercurrent (Wet)


Still water hides deep passion.

Lulu was sent to spy on the competition while pretending to be a guest so she could find out the secret of their success. Her search turns up Hotsuma, a man bound to water so he can use his power to bring good luck to those who imprisoned him.

Working to set him free ignites a passion in Lulu only Hotsuma can quench, but they can’t afford to let sex, no matter how good, distract them. Hotsuma’s captors aren’t about to let Lulu leave with their property and they are willing to use deadly force to stop her. More than luck is needed if Lulu and Hotsuma want their new love to survive.

Author’s Note: Read Overflow for a continuation of the story.

Book Info

Reversion Date: 31 May 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Shifter BWAM Romance, MF
Ebook Release: 12 September 2012
Length: 22,500 words / 74 pages

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