New Release: Charmed Lover

Save 5% off your entire order with coupon code SISpring. Expires 30 April. Only for use on Changeling Press site once per account. Caveat Emptor 1: Charmed Loverby Zenobia Renquist Changeling Press eBook ISBN: 978-1-60521-615-7Genre: Paranormal EroticThemes: Interracial, Vampire, MagicLength: NovellaPrice: $3.49 BUY NOW  Ryver is one of the many …

Busy Week

Okay. I gave up the coding. The thing I thought was simple became oh-so complicated once dumped into Website Tonight. I truly hate that interface. I’ll be happy to be rid of it in a few months when I move my site. Anyway. I dropped the coding and went on …

And Go…

I managed to do everything I needed to do today except write (both on my CE series and my blog post… hence why you’re getting this). Stupid real life, with your stupid needing food so I can eat, and your need to put gas in the car. *grumble grumble*

Writing Update

Big writing binge today for the Caveat Emptor series: – 7400 words on Book 6. I just started it today. – 1994 words on Book 3, bringing the total to 6287 words. Book 2 has 2534 words from a previous session so that doesn’t count for today. I think I’ve …

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