One of things I love about this time of year is the songs. My absolute favorite Christmas song is Carol of the Bells. Any variation, I’ll listen to it.
Well… you get the picture. That’s my favorite song. What’s yours? Leave a comment (remember to include your email) telling me your favorite Christmas song and you are entered to win a PDF copy of any TWO titles from my Zenobia Renquist backlist (small print below). This contest is also open to international participants.
This blog hop also has a grand prize of a Nook color pre-loaded with books from several of the blog hop authors. Click the link for Grand Prize Entry. Note – Grand prize is not open to international participants due to restrictions from Barnes & Noble.
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– Contest begins 16 December 2011 EST.
– Contest ends 23 December 2011 EST.
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– Winner has until 28 Dec 2011 at 11:59PM EST to answer the notification email or else they forfeit the prize to the runner-up to be chosen on 29 Dec 2011.
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– D. Renee Bagby / Zenobia Renquist is not responsible for contests held by other authors of the Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop.
My favorite song of the season is Mary Did You Know
Oh Holy Night is my favorite. Makes me cry, but not a bad cry.
My favorite song of the season is Sleigh Ride!
melissaseclecticbookshelf (at) gmail (dot) com
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
I have a few favorite songs. I really enjoy Silver Bells.
debby236 at gmail dot com or
debby236 at hotmail dot com
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
My favorite song of the season is still “The Christmas Song” sung by Nat King Cole. There is just something about that smooth baritone that just makes the season for me.
reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com
To be honest my favourite has to be The Pogues and Kirsty McCall's Fairytale of New York.
There's something magical for me about it and even though I've heard it a lot, I still love it.
Thank you for participating in the hop and the great giveaway!
My fav song is Santa Baby!
My favorite song is Silver Bells, for a silly song I like listening to Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.
skpetal AT hotmail DOT com
I love Christmas music, I think I have something like 40 different Christmas music CD's. My favorite song though is Coventry Carol & I like the Alison Moyet version the best.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
OMG, OMG, OMG – someone else who likes the Trans-Siberan Orchestra. I love that song too. (My favorite)
Actually it is funny because I have never heard of them before until a week ago. My two daughters set me up for christmas. One comes over and starts telling me about this christmas music by this orchestra and that I definitely have to listen to it. So she pulls it up on YouTube and I am in awe and love instantly. My other daughter calls while we are watching this video and I tell them that I am buying this album now and then while checking out I see other albums from the Orchestra and ending up buying the christmas album and Beethoven's last Night Album. If you havent seen the video's you must check them out – absolutely fantastic and the music is wonderful. While buying the albums the girls are talking on the phone whispering to each other, I pay no attention because I am putting credit card info in to buy the albums.
later that evening when checking my email I get an email from my daughters and they bought two tickets attached to the email for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra consert the 21st of December in Austin TX.
Them little shits so filled me out – I would of never guest thay would of done something like that, I totally love it and am so excited.
Have a Merry Christmas
Ronda Tutt
I love O Holy Night! And I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.
matts1stwife at yahoo dot com
thanks for sharing in the blog hop
It's kind of strange, but it's not Christmas until I hear
Dominic the Donkey.
LOL! I think I own every version of Carol of the Bells that you listed. I love each and every one of them although. I also like the Christmas Canon from Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays
My favorite song is Silver Bells. I also love Trans Siberian Orchestra.
My favorite song of the season is Please Come Home for Christmas by Charles Brown.
I love christmas music ad have a few favorites I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas,Jinnlge Bells a new favorite of mine is Merry Christmas From The Family.
Let it Snow and Santa Baby!
maryjooller [at] yahoo [dot] com
Fav is Little Drummer Boy
I really like “I wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7xjjlUbpJ4
I think its really cute and I have it as a ring tone every Christmas.
Rayna @ naughtyeditionreviews .com
Carol of the Bells is my favorite Christmas song. I own so many versions, I just love listening to that song.
knitrix29 at gmail dot com
I love the Celtic Woman version of Carol of the Bells! It is SO beautiful! Besides Carol of the Bells, I love O Holy Night and Do You See What I See! Thanks so much for the giveaway and hte wonderful post:)
jwitt33 at live dot com
Hmm..Its a toss up between Santa Baby and any Burl Ives song. Its really not Christmas until I have heard him sing!! LOL!!
Silent Night is my favorite =)
I like Joy to the World as sung by David Crowder Band.
linze_e at hotmail.com
I like the Wizard in Winter by the Trans-Siberan Orchestra. Thanks for the chance to win, Merry Christmas!
i love the viedo and then i will love to do the hop and win some gift
have great holiday and have safe one
desi the blonde2msn.com
I love “All I want for Xmas is you” I remember singing it to the boys when I was pregnant.
jennirv4967 at gmail dot com
My favourite is Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade
My favorite holiday song is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Some renditions are so sad!
Ho, Ho, Ho…
My favorite Christmas song has always been The First Noel. Not sure why…probably because it's in my range to sing. After the tree was up and my grandparents came for the holidays, we would sit around the tree with the lights out and the tree lit. We would each get to choose a song to sing and mine was always The First Noel.
books4me67 at ymail dot com
My favorite song is The Little Drummer Boy.
My favorite is by Bob Seager (not sure of the spelling on his name) Little Drummer Boy.
Thanks so much.
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Thanks for the giveway!! 🙂
My favorite Christmas song would be Santa Baby, and This Christmas
My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night.
I love Silent Night too… so beautiful! Christina_92 at yahoo.com
Silent Night is my favorite Christmas song.
happy holidays, thanks for the hop
email is conencted to gfc, not sure why you also need it here jbarrett5 at cox dot net
I love Trans Siberian Orchestra's children chorus rendition of the Christmas Canon. 😀
Thanks for joining the blog hop! (no need to enter me in the giveaway, just wanted to drop by and show a little love)
My favorite song of the season is Merry Christmas Darling by the Carpenters.
Happy Holidays to all!!
thewildtwo {@} sbcglobal {DOT} net
My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night. Josh Groban and Andrea Boccelli both sing it beautifully. I also like the Barbra Striesand version. Happy Holidays to you.
seriousreader at live dot com
My favorite Christmas song is White Christmas because I dream of one every year (and never get it;)
I love listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra at Christmas. Nothing like revamping older songs with a modern bite. 😉
Shadowflame1974 at gmail
sorry but Gramma got run over by a reindeer has always popped into my head and just never left LOL
My favorite song of the season is Jingle Bells sang by my children
I can't just choose one. During this time of year, I hum/whistle a whole slew of songs, to the great annoyance of my family.
kswilladsen @ hotmail . com
My favorite Christmas song is Silver Bells.. I just love that song!
aka Kathy 🙂
Oh Holy Night and Little Drummer Boy are my favorite, but I like many Christmas carols. 🙂
killary AT gmail DOT com
I tend to enjoy the Christmas songs that are geared more towards children. My faves are probably Frosty the Snowman & The Chipmunks Christmas song.
Have a safe & wonderful holiday season!
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I love David Bowie's version of Solider Boy. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite song is White Christmas! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Wish you a merry christmas! Thank you!
I can see my two favorites already listed in the first two comments! Mary Did You Know? and Oh, Holy Night. I also like Christmas Shoes.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
My favorite Christmas song is Barbara Streisands Jingle Bells.
musicalfrog at comcast.net
Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite song is Little Drummer Boy sang by Bing Cosby and David Bowie.
My favorite song is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses
Happy Holidays & thanks for the giveaway!
HA! I saw the first music video and squeeeed! Christmas Eve in Sarajevo is my favorite, it just does something to me!
Thank you participating in this.
Happy Holidays!
mamaelk1113 at gmail dot com
MAMAELK1113 Twitter
GFC Mamaelk
FB sonia remo ait
My favorite soon is Rudolf, but the one where you change the words! Thanks for the giveaway
Silent Night and The Little Drummer Boy.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
bossu49 at aol dot com
My favorite songs are The Carol of the Bells(especially by the Muppets) and the Little Drummer Boy. Thanks for the chance.