Dedicated FB Page

Zenobia Renquist FB Page header

The days of joint promotion are mostly ended. They may happen from time to time, but in the case of FB and most social media, Zenobia Renquist and D. Renee Bagby will be separate. It’s been that way on Twitter for the longest and recently Instagram, so now I’ve made the update on FB as well.

Zenobia Renquist – Author is the FB page where book news and discussions will take place along with various promotions. The old page — D. Renee Bagby (awa Zenobia Renquist) — is still available but will no longer be active.

At some point in the far off future when I have free time (when the hell will that be, for real?!!), I’ll probably port posts over from the old FB page to my blogs and then delete the page. Until then, it’ll stay there so I don’t lose anything.

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