Cover Reveal: CREAM by Zenobia Renquist

Coming to Ellora’s Cave 3 May 2013 as part of the On The Hunt multi-author series:

CREAM by Zenobia Renquist
CREAM by Zenobia Renquist

Genre: Erotic Vampire Romance, Interracial

Tentative Blurb:
She’s entered a world where blood, sex, and cash rules everything around her.

What do a four hundred-year-old vampire living the gangsta lifestyle and a mid-level necromancer have in common? Money. Jeliyah needs it to pay off the people who trained her and Teaghan enjoys killing to get it. Together they hunt rogue vampires, assuming Teaghan can focus on something other than getting her in bed and Jeliyah doesn’t put a bullet in him first.

The uneasy partnership promises to be lucrative until Teaghan takes out a rogue someone wanted kept safe. Now he and Jeliyah are the hunted. Jeliyah is forced to use forbidden magic and finds herself bound to a man who can focus on sex, survival, and slaughter at the same time.

Every second they stay alive fuels a growing attraction Jeliyah is unwilling to deny. Is it the magic? The danger? Or could it be love? The only way to get the answers she craves is to outrun the enemy or kill them. She knows Teaghan’s preference, but it’s Jeliyah who must make the choice that will decide both their fates.


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