Nook: Pet’s Pleasure
Pet’s Pleasure is now at Barnes & Noble for the Nook!
Pet’s Pleasure is now at Barnes & Noble for the Nook!
4 Stars for Taking It Back at Long and Short Reviews!“…a highly kinky read that delivers what erotic romance readers look for with extra spice… Despite the short length of this story, the author managed to fit everything that was important to make this a book worth reading. It’s fun, …
3.5 Stars for Pet’s Pleasure at Night Owl Reviews. “For those who like fast paced stories, with funny commentary, and aliens, this will be a great read for you.” ~ Beth Hardy Read the full review:
What’s better than a Cyber Launch Party for one of my new releases? A Cyber Launch Party for TWO of my new releases. They came out one week apart, but they are showing up at all the same parties. Come out to the Cyber Launch Party blog to celebrate the …
4 Stars (You Need to Read) for Caveat Emptor 5: Forgotten Lover at You Gotta Read Reviews!“I’m very curious about what will happen next to the reunited lovers, as once again Ms. Renquist has left us at a cliffhanger. I can’t wait to read how the story will continue.”~ Rasia …
Coming to Changeling Press on 27 April (read 26 April :P) The man of Lorna’s dreams has suddenly become a reality. Her grandfather’s dying wish for her to fulfill an old debt brought her out to Last Chance, Alaska. Lorna never thought she would meet the man who used to …
PET’S PLEASURE is now available at Amazon for the Kindle and at All Romance eBooks.
Welcome blog hoppers!! Thanks for stopping by my blog even though I’m pretty far down the list. That’ll teach me to choose a pen name that begins with a Z. 😛 My prize for this blog hop is a PDF copy of my latest release from Ellora’s Cave, Blush PET’S …
Pet’s Pleasure by Zenobia Renquist Ellora’s Cave, Blush Genre: Mainstream Science Fiction Romance, Interracial eBook ISBN: 9781419936524 Price: $6.50/US Length: Novel The love of a good owner is hard to find. Starling envied the easy life of pets…until she became one. Kidnapped from Earth and sold to the highest bidder, …
I’m visiting Sharon Buchbinder’s blog, talking about life as a writer and PET’S PLEASURE. Stop by and leave a comment for a chance to win a PDF copy of PET’S PLEASURE. [NOTE: The post no longer exists on the above blog and has been featured below instead.] I am delighted …