Writing Update: 26 July 2013

Starting off this week’s writing update right.

19 July (Friday) – Early AM
I’m up late waiting for the start of my Cyber Launch Party to celebrate Favored Dragon’s Release and ended up with a scene idea for the Daily Grind Series. It’s the main character’s birthday, which is a later book that doesn’t have a number yet, but I wanted to get the basics of the scene down before I forgot. So I put 1049 words on it. Just enough to get the flavor of the scene. How I’m going to pump it up to 30K is a matter I’ll figure out later. 😛

Intermission… I got ready for bed and then came right back because I got an idea on how to begin a story I started long ago. I don’t know why it popped into my head but the scene just fit. I came back to my computer and put 1,344 words on that story before heading to bed.

19 July (Friday) – Night
I put 975 words on Selected Lovers finishing it up at 25,324 words. All done. Now I just need to write the tag line and blurb and then it’s off to my editor. The Caveat Emptor series is officially finished.

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