Writing Update: 12 October

Upon the advice of a fellow author, I have started using Instrumental music to tune out my hubby’s video games — he just got the latest WoW expansion and Resident Evil 6. Neither of which are great background noise for trying to write.

It’s working. I’ve also stopped sitting at my computer desk. I’m now using my beanbag chair more. The computer desk has become a “work” station where I catch up on blogging and email and promotion, so it’s hard to flip over to writer mode while sitting here.

– WRITING (05 October): 3689 words on the bounty hunter story today. Thanks to the plotting session with Flash, this story is just flying by now. Once I get a world figured out, the rest is just character interaction and dealing with the laws of that world. 30K here I come.

– PLOTTING (07 October): Thanks to a fan email (love fan email) I sat and wrote out a plot for a book I had absolutely no intention of writing and told several people I wouldn’t write it. This isn’t good. If this gets out (and no, I’m not telling you all which book) then people will know that if they bug me enough, my muse will eventually think of a book. That’s not a good habit to start. I have tons of books already on my to-be-written list. I don’t need more. Seriously. But anywho. As soon as I get a big enough gap in my writing queue (who am I kidding? I’ll just make room because the characters won’t stop bugging me now), this sequel to a book that shall not be named will be written. Intrigued yet?

– WRITING (08 October): 3084 words on the bounty hunter story. I’m on Chp3 and I need to find a way to get them in bed that is plausible with the current storyline. At the rate I’m going they might not be in bed before Chp4. Not good. The pub won’t like that, especially since I’m trying to make this an Erotic title.

– PLOTTING & WRITING (10 October): 2902 words on the bounty hunter story. If I had known I was that close to 3000, I would have wrote a little bit more. 😛 Early this morning, right after my shower, the ENTIRE plot came to me. I mean the whole thing. Even something I wrote already and had no explanation for yet suddenly fit and made sense. I wrote it all in my notebook and then took my happy butt to bed. I’ve got explanations for everything, including how the main characters end up in bed together… I just need to get them there faster. 😛

– WRITING (11 October): 4522 words on the bounty hunter story today. That totally makes up for the near miss of 3K yesterday… with change. 😀 The characters are in bed. Now I just need to keep them alive long enough to make sure they get a repeat performance.

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