Writing Update 12 Jan: New Release Coming Soon

You read the title right. I have a new release as Zenobia Renquist coming out with Changeling Press in February. Yup, just that soon. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone until CP posted the buy page. They did. So, now I’m saying something.

No cover yet and I’m still in edits so there isn’t an excerpt either. But here’s a blurb for my contemporary, erotic, menage (m/m/f), bisexual, interracial romance:

Harley on the Rocks

Her heart has a choice between loveless sex or sex-less friends.

It started out innocent. An easy solution to help spice up a marriage. Friends with benefits, nothing more. Harley’s heart has complicated the issue. She wants to be more to Koijirou and Davis than a temporary fling, but she doesn’t want to ruin their friendship to do it. It comes down to a choice between loveless sex or sex-less friends and whether or not she can handle the consequences of the choice she makes.


Keeping you posted as it happens… sort of. 😛

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