Writing Update: 07 December

After digging out of my promotions hole, I’m finally able to get back to writing again. The beginning (and the middle) of the month are always the hardest on writing time. Tack on a holiday and I don’t know how much I’m getting finished this December.

– WRITING & FINISHED (03 December): I put the final 1051 words on my Forever Wicked installment and it’s off to my editor. Finished at 14,607 words, which is about where I wanted it. That deadline is met, so it’s back to my novel… again… I hope.

– WRITING & FINISHED (04 December): 4,370 words on another of the 8-book series for Razor. Book 7 is finished. I now need to go back and add the beginnings to Book 3 and Book 4 and the whole series will be done. I’ll probably do that later tonight after I get some food and spend TV time with the hubby. Yes, yes, I dodged my novel again but the muse wanted to write sex. So I gave her sex. I don’t fight with the muse, especially not when I’m coming back from a long break.

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