Writing Update: 05 October 2010

Zenobia Renquist (the other me — you know, the one with the angel wings) is now a Changeling Press author.

The contract is signed, sealed, and delivered just this morning. Rite Men for Maya is the title signed. It is an interracial, urban fantasy (mermaids), menage (m/m/f). Yup, I did another menage (I warned you that I would) and this time the guys are hot for each other as well as the heroine. *eg*

Hopefully, it’ll release before the end of the year.

This story has a funny history. Flash (Stephanie Burke) made me do it. Yup, when you read it remember that it’s all her fault. 😛

Waaaaaaay back in 2008, Flash challenged me to write a story for the “gayest tattoo ever” (if the link doesn’t work, just do a search and you’ll find it). I took one look at that photo, said hell no, and got back to writing Eris. Meanwhile, my muse had ideas of her own. Suddenly I was writing and ended up with 15,000+ words on a story I didn’t even mean to write (ain’t it always the way?).

After ignoring the story for a while to focus on other stuff, I gave it another look this year. I pulled it out, dusted it off, tweaked it a little and sent it off to submissions. Changeling Press said yes, so I have joined their ranks.

I’m happy to be there and can’t wait to see what you all think of my latest piece of mischief.

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