Out Now – CE5: Forgotten Lover by Zenobia Renquist


Caveat Emptor 5: Forgotten Lover
by Zenobia Renquist

Changeling Press

eBook ISBN: 978-1-60521-681-2
Genre: Erotic, Paranormal/Fantasy, Vampire, Interracial, Magic
Price: $3.99

Can Medusa allow herself to love a man who’s supposed to be her enemy?

Captured by mages, Medusa is more upset at her own weakness than the mages’ idea of torture. Once free of them, she plans to slaughter them all. Except, there is one mage who awakens long buried memories of desire from a past best left forgotten. She knows this man to the depths of her soul, but she and Darius are on opposite sides of a war that has raged for centuries. It’s more than her heart at stake if she gives in to her desires.

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