Stop by Tina Donahue’s blog to learn an interesting tidbit about Pet’s Pleasure as well read an excerpt.
[NOTE: Blog where post originally existed is missing. Post now featured below.]

Readers usually want to know tidbits about what went into creating a book, like a Behind the Scenes or The Making Of… type of deal. I don’t have a film crew following me around as I write—because lord knows they would be bored to tears—but I do sometimes have little quirks that stick in my mind about certain scenes and such.
To help the flow of conversation for PET’S PLEASURE, I read many of the conversations (okay, they were arguments) between Starling and Bekion out loud. Doing so let me “hear” their voices and make sure I was describing the right level of emotion as well as getting the wording right.
I had to make sure the house was empty (hubby was usually at work and I don’t have kids) so I didn’t embarrass myself. But the minute I was alone, I was acting out some of the more explosive conversations and laughing myself silly over how Starling and Bekion bounced off of each other. I think if I ever do a reading in the future, it would have to be from PET’S PLEASURE because I have the most practice reading it, and I would have so much fun acting out both these characters that I wouldn’t be nervous.
Pet’s Pleasure by Zenobia Renquist
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave, Blush
Genre: Mainstream Science Fiction Romance, Interracial
Ebook ISBN: 9781419936524
Price: $5.20/US
Length: Plus Novel
The love of a good owner is hard to find.
Starling envied the easy life of pets…until she became one. Kidnapped from Earth and sold to the highest bidder, she now belongs to an alien king. But she doesn’t want to be his pampered possession. She wants Bekion to see her as an independent woman with needs and desires of her own.
Only deviants break the laws barring sexual relations between owners and their pets, and King Bekion has no intention of succumbing to simple lust. But the long nights with Starling’s lush body pressed tight against his take a toll. Her strength and intelligence make it difficult for Bekion to remember Starling is human—and forbidden. He knows it isn’t right but he can’t stop thinking of his pet and all the pleasure he could give her, even if it costs him his crown.
Bekion asked between clenched teeth, “If you are so desperate for sexual partners, perhaps I should agree to Lady Idruc’s suggestion and couple you with Ladrow?”
“You do and you won’t have to worry about assassins because I’ll be the one who kills you in your sleep.”
He believed her. The threat was serious and so was she. He backed down—figuratively and literally. He sat on the bed with a long, tired sigh. “I have no intention of giving you to Lady Idruc’s pet, Starling. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“And you have no intention of sleeping with me either.”
“Then why do I have to stay in your room? Give me a room of my own or let me sleep with Nausic. That would make his job easier.”
Though said in an offhand, innocent manner, her words reignited the full force of Bekion’s anger. “Your place is in my room.”
“Your closet, you mean.”
“You put yourself there.”
“I wouldn’t want to tempt you into bestiality.”
He pushed to his feet and stalked toward the door. “You’ll remain in my chambers until Lady Idruc and her pet leave tomorrow.”
He turned back but regretted it. Starling stood in her panties and nothing else. She’d stripped off her dress while his back was turned. He swallowed, trying to wet his suddenly dry throat.
Starling glanced at him. “Did you want something?”
Bekion turned his back once more and left the room. “Furielle, see to her,” he barked as he passed the woman.
Starling yelled something in her mother language. Bekion started to face her but Rois yanked him to the side. He felt the wind of a small vase speeding past his cheek. It crashed into the wall exactly where his head would have been if Rois hadn’t moved him. Bekion glared at Rois for laughing, which the man tried to cover with a coughing fit.
Bekion and Starling needed distance so they could both calm down. The recess he called had ended five minutes ago, so he headed for the throne room. He didn’t have to explain his tardiness to anyone. But he hated setting a bad example.
“She has a strong arm,” Rois said, amusement still coloring his voice. “She threw that vase from the inner chamber doorway. It had some speed on it too. I almost didn’t get to you in time.”
“Silence, Rois.”