Crafting: Magnetic Hematite Bracelet/Necklace

So as I said in the previous post, I picked up a beautiful bracelet at Tropical Farms. It’s a single strand, no-clasp bracelet (can also be a necklace, if you like) that is held on using magnetic hematite. Before anyone says, no I didn’t get it for healing properties or what have you. I got it because it’s pretty (pictures below) and I loved the design/idea.

Since it’s magnetic, the bracelet attaches to itself and that’s the “clasp.” Because of that and it’s length, it can be worn as a band bracelet or as a necklace. I like wearing it as a bracelet. I got it in blue to match my blue topaz ring (my birthstone). However I really wanted red but the store didn’t have it. So, being the type of person that I am, I decided to make one.

The design for the bracelet (or necklace) is pretty straight forward. It’s just a matter of getting the parts. Believe it or not, I got the magnetic hematite from Wally World for only $9 for fifty 5x8mm cylindrical faceted. Every other place wanted that much for only ten. So, woot!

The rest of the beads were a bit harder to find. I had to go to several different crafts stores and bead shops before I found two places today that had what I wanted… for the most part. I couldn’t find metal spacers that weren’t silver or gold and really expensive ($4 for 10 and I needed at least 75).

For the first time since being in Hawaii, I actually miss MD (and GA). MD had a ton of crafts shops that were filled to the brims with every type of bead shape, size, and color imaginable for decent prices. The shops here sell bicone glass beads for fifteen cents EACH. O.O!!! As much as I want to help out the local economy, it looks like I’ll be doing my bead shopping online.

I managed to find some beads that wouldn’t break my wallet and created my copycat. The blue the one I bought. The red is the one I made. What do you think?

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