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Acknowledging Meirion cover

Title: Acknowledging Meirion
Author: Zenobia Renquist
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
ISBN: 1-60435-043-1 (978-1-60435-043-2)
Genre: Mainstream Sci-Fi Romance (MC/IR)
Length: Novella/Short (19,500 words)
Price: $2.99
Cover Art: Merris Hawk

No acknowledgment—but is true love the exception?

Meirion Flatt is one of a handful of people participating in the human version of a nature show for an alien race known as the Fey. Kiar, one of the three men chosen to film her, has awakened emotions in her she hasn’t felt since her husband died. She can’t tell if the feelings are mutual or one-sided, but she’s willing to find out.

Kiar takes great pride in doing his job correctly and that pride means everything to him. The network he works for has a strict rule of no acknowledgment. He’s meant to observe, not interact—no matter what. When Meirion sets out to seduce him, his job becomes that much harder.

Love’s battlefield has gotten two new contenders and losing just isn’t an option.

Two of the universe’s most stubborn people are about to clash in a new battle of the sexes. This competition has no rules and neither Meirion nor Kiar is willing to lose. It’s her heart versus his pride. Will victory lead to joint happiness or both their defeats as Kiar struggles against… Acknowledging Meirion

This title contains mild cursing and masturbation.

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