Book Recommendation: Starkissed by Lanette Curington

This is one book that is on my keeper, re-read shelf. I bought the ebook and loved it so much that I bought the print when it came out. The world building in this book is top notch and it’s my favorite kind of story — fish out of water.

by Lanette Curington

Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Mainstream SciFi/Futuristic Romance
Length: Novel
Price: $5.50 (ebook); $15.00 (print)

She’s human, he’s not, but together Leith and J’Qhir struggle to survive on an alien world, defeat interstellar treachery from a mutual enemy, and confront their growing attraction.

Leith McClure reluctantly takes over the family shipping business due to her father’s illness. She is shocked to find her father has been trading with the Zi. When a trusted friend’s betrayal leaves Leith and the Warrior of Zi marooned on a deserted planet, they must learn to overcome their differences to survive…and to explore their mutual attraction.

Product Warnings :: Graphic sex between a human woman and an alien male who is anatomically different from human men!

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