Brave (Animation, Action/Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Family – PG):
When I saw the first trailer for this, after the teaser, I was still out. I was happy Pixar was releasing a movie but the plot didn’t interest me. Then I saw the Japanese trailer (below). WTH!? Why didn’t they air that in the US? Everyone who has seen this trailer has totally changed their mind about the movie. I want to see it now. It actually looks worth the trouble of being crammed in a theater full of kids on opening weekend.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Action, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller – R):
So very THERE! I saw the teaser for this and knew I would be seeing this movie. The extended trailer sold me again. This movie looks amazing. I saw the book in stores when it first came out and kind of shook my head. Now I’m hoping they drop the other shoe and put out Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter… well assuming this movie lives up to the hype of the trailer. We shall see.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (SciFi, Comedy, Drama, Romance – R):
This looks very cute, funny, and tear-jerking. Given what happened last year with the Rapture people and this year with the Mayan End of Days prediction, this is right on time. And I’m sure they planned it that way. I’ll wait for the DVD. Not saying that in a bad way. Just not a summer theater movie for me.