Writing Update: 14 April 2013

Since I’m doing the A to Z Challenge, I decided to move my writing updates to Sunday. They’ll go back to Friday again some time in May… assuming I can get any writing accomplished in May.

08 April 2013 (Monday): WRITING – I did some plotting yesterday and finally got back to writing today. Real life obligations like taxes and visitors sucks for creativity. Today’s word count was 4060 — 918 on a free read coming out in a few days with Changeling Press and 3142 words on a new Erotica piece (also for Razor’s Edge Press) that won’t see publication until some time in 2014.

My schedule with Changeling is full for 2013, so even after I finish this piece, it won’t come out until 2014. No big. Nothing wrong with getting stuff finished early. They idea came to me and I had to get it out. Hopefully I can finish it up tomorrow so I can move on to other things that are under deadline. 😀

10 April 2013 (Wednesday): WRITING – So Tuesday was a busy work day. I wanted to write, but I had a bunch of other non-writing things I had to get out of the way. But today I did write. 3530 words on my Halloween story. I put aside the Razor’s Edge piece for now. I have the basic plot figured out so I can go back to that later. The Halloween story for Changeling is under deadline and needs to be finished before the end of the month.

I don’t think it’ll take me that long. In fact, I’m already planning to jump into and finish another Changeling title under deadline after this one. The Halloween story is a third of the way finished — I’m aiming for 6-7K words. So just four or five more days of heavy writing and I’ll be done. Friday and Saturday are shot since the hubby is insisting I mingle with the real world for a while. 😛

11 April 2013 (Thursday): WRITING – 4273 words on my Halloween story today. I’m running possible titles past my editor. The main characters have names, I’m on the last chapter, and I need to put in the sex scenes. After that, I am finished. I would say one day to finish off the last chapter and one day to do the sex scenes. So possible Wednesday at the latest. We’ll have to wait and see.

12 April 2013 (Friday): CONTRACT – No writing today because I was out helping a friend get settled in her new place. Her house (condo) is a flippin’ Italian villa. I kid you not. Stone floors, old timey wood doors with knockers and levers, the whole shebang. The guy who built the place is from money and wanted to bring Italy to Hawaii. He totally succeeded. But I digress.

So… CONTRACT. As of 12 April 2013, my non-shifter dragon romance — formerly named YOLETTE now FAVORED DRAGON’S RELEASE — is signed with Siren-Bookstrand Publishing and has a projected release date of June 2013. Yeah! I know, right? Fast. I was really amazed by that and happy too. This will be my first D. Renee Bagby release since ERIS in 2010. Long overdue and I plan to rectify that by writing more DRB books in the coming months.

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